Importation: im PORT ation (imp or tay’) shun) n. ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected]; Exportation: ex PORT ation (ek spor tay’ shun) n. to carry the weight of something. Miss,mit &mitt are the root-words for many other words. port is playable in: Words With Friends 7. Attach the prefix ex, meaning out or out of, and you have the word export, to carry out. Edit. As a tree grows from its roots, in the English language, words are also made up of the root words. by arpinter_52865. 11 terms. port (portable/report) 14. Practice. If you think that docks and harbors are romantic, I suggest you move to a port city like Baltimore. Practice. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with port. Most words in the English language are based on words from ancient Greek and Latin. IPA : /port/, [porˠt] Proper noun . How to use port in a sentence. Give a word with the root word "struct" in it. Human beings can also be deported from their own countries, being ‘carried’ from one nation to another, usually for legal proceedings. Test Prep, po. port. Solo Practice. The root of the word vocabulary for example is voc a Latin root meaning "word" or "name". See more. Save. Once you pull off any prefixes or suffixes, the root is usually what remains. Divide students into two or three teams. Adjust these rules and procedures to fit your needs. Port definition is - a place where ships may ride secure from storms : haven. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that contain press. any of a class of very sweet wines, mostly dark-red, originally from Portugal. Edit. 100. Word root ‘port’ (to carry) word map for spelling and vocabulary work and teacher reference / inspiration! Affixes. aport. This ROOT-WORD is the PORT which means CARRY. 4. PLAY; LOOK UP. 8. //--> by lindahume. We also have lists of Words that end with port, and words that start with port. A root can be any part of a word that carries meaning: the beginning, middle or end. If you think that docks and harbors are romantic, I suggest you move to a port city like Baltimore. All Free. Most of these goods are portable, or easily ‘carried’ from one country to the next. Learn more on how we help for Many new words are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin or Greek root or root word. 15 slides with 10 with root word port words and 2 sets of homophones. 0. 3 years ago. or get it for your To carry from place to place. Look at No.11. 64% average accuracy. An account of something which happened ch_client = "Thangavel1"; N. city, town, or place where ships load and unload. 2. Import port into your brain, and it will ‘carry’ you far with knowledge of words! Played 583 times. 17. for example: A porter is a person who carries people's luggage at a railway station or hotel. Carry. Useful for word puzzles. Locavore is based on other words in which the -vore root appears (the root word is from the Latin term vorare, meaning “to devour”): 2. The Word Root Mort comes from Latin mors, mort means ‘death’. First recorded in 1695–95; earlier Oporto, from Portuguese O Porto, Oporto “the port” (that is, the main port … Reporter: re PORT er (re port’ er) n. Live Game Live. Words are color coded by meanings and word "families." Teaching root words to kids can help increase students’ proficiency at identifying roots and forming complete words. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. When something is important, you want to ‘carry’ it towards yourself to tend to it. Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are types of roots. Terms of Service. ""I love these new carts! Save. If you know the meaning of Greek roots, it will help you understand more words when you read. Learning Root Words. Google Slide presentation root word port & homophones. Scrabble UK 6. N. structure of roof and columns attached to a building as a porch. In fact, reporters talk about sports a great deal, or those forms of entertainment that ‘carry’ you away from everyday activities. The Old English and Old French words both are from Latin portus "a port, harbor," figuratively "haven, place of refuge, asylum" (in Old Latin also "a house;" in Late Latin also "a warehouse"), originally "an entrance, a passage," akin to porta "a city gate, a gate, a door," from PIE *prtu- "a going, a passage," suffixed form of root *per- (2) "to lead, pass over." The two e’s at the end of the word have a special meaning – the deportee is the one who receives the action, the one who is deported, carried away, banished. Teaching root words to kids can help increase students’ proficiency at identifying roots and forming complete words. Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Host a game. Port m. A male given name attributed to one of the Saxon invaders of Britain, apparently in an inference from Portesmūþa. A port is a place where boats come and go. Root words are not always words by themselves, but we can add prefixes, suffixes, or even other roots to make words. Some commonly used Latin root words include: audi for hearing, circ for round, jur for law, vid for see, sens for feel, terr for earth, port for carry, bene for good, multi for many, pater for father, mater for mother, voc for word and voice, ab for move, manu for by hand, pac for peace, ab for move, and many others. The bringing in of news Give a word with the root word "aud" in it. A root word is a word to which prefixes and suffixes can be added. An even faster way to get from one place to another is via teleportation, or the ability to be ‘carried’ instantaneously from one place to another. 200. Meanings of port. Tell students that both PORT and STRUCT come from Latin. Export: ex PORT (ek sport’) v. This quiz is incomplete! For example, the word “port” is the root word for export (which has a … Carry out; bring or sent elsewhere ch_color_title = "0D37FF"; Also makes a lovely display poster if blown up to A3. Act or means of carrying from place to place; as, an airship to carry soldiers Carnivore. Live Game Live. Although devoid of any affixes, a root word is a full-fledged word in and of itself. Lesson Planet. Search. var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.length)); Look at No.11. Some words also have a suffix. port (n.2) c. 1300 (mid 13c. Homework. Homework. Please :-). Explain that today we will be looking closely at two root words, PORT and STRUCT. You need to enable Javascript to get the best out of this site. Portable: PORT able (port’ a b’l) adj. The root word at the heart of "conformity," for example, is "form." PortThe Root Word Of The Week is...Featuring the Dancing Groceries "Hey Mom, Can we get some cookies? Read on to find out what this root word means. Also makes a lovely display poster if blown up to A3.