complimenter. jdm für etw Komplimente machen. compliment mr 129. want to compliment 127. compliment slip . Specific: Be specific to make your compliment effective. flatteur. Did you know these expressions? One mistake I have made is to say “je suis fini” when somebody has asked if I wanted more at a restaurant. Easily find the right translation for Compliment from English to French submitted and enhanced by our users. Je te trouve belle. It’s a delight. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. They told me “je suis rassasie” or “je me regale”(with accent, which is missing on my keyboard!) compléter. Kompliment nt. Hi Donna,This is not offensive at all, it’s just the grammar of “j’ai eu beaucoup” is not right. Boy, my compliments to the chef.That's wonderful. When it comes to French culture surrounding food, one thing that will probably never go away is the idea that a meal with family and friends is still very much a social event, and it’s got to happen as often as possible. If someone says that you have ‘un sourire à tomber à la renverse’ (a smile which makes them fall), or ‘à tomber par terre’ (that makes you fall on the ground), this means you have a beautiful smile. complémenter. Please enter your name and email address to get the lesson as a free PDF! It’s … Salut Géraldine et merci beaucoup pour tout les vidéo et tes conseil qui sont tous bien pratique I remember at the the begining of my life in france, I uses to say to my hostes: j’aime bien, c’est très special, en fait I wanted to say that it’s so “special” and delicious and i used this word as a compliment to every body and every thing just like in English and so it tooks time until i realized that “special” is not at all a compliment in french . Hi thanks for this video. This is a phrase that can be said to a woman to tell her that she looks pretty. → people often compliment me on how good I look for my age → Jones said: "I have to compliment Zola on the way he handled it." 10 expressions to compliment someone in French. Translation of "compliment" in French. UK English, and one of my favourite expressions as it conveys a compliment to the host for both quality and generosity of their hospitality. French Translation. Join the conversation! Even cheaper restaurants offer nice food; if they didn’t people would simply not go there.” "Food is something special to be shared with family and friends so going to a restaurant is seen as a very sociable occasion. Bonjour Helen,Check this post: what to bring to a French dinnerHope it helps! Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 23+ years in the US and France. En papillote: Refers to food that is wrapped in parchment paper or foil so it will cook in its own steam. If you are invited to a French home, you will have to comment on the food. I have not found a good equivalent to ‘I am elegantly sufficed, thank you’ . Share your story so we can discuss in the comments area below the video. I have learned that if you are ‘full’ and your host offers you more food, it is polite to say, ‘non merci; j’ai bien mangé.’ Est-ce correct? (slightly more elegant than “mais pas plus merci”) J’ai déjà bien mangé.”. Noun Verb. → all my customers compliment me on my weight loss → As she prepares to leave, I compliment her on her new leather coat. Many translated example sentences containing "to compliment something" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. works also. Or a variation of that I can’t remember at the moment. Cą me fait plaisir. Translations for „compliment“ in the French » German Dictionary (Go to German » French) compliment [kɔ͂plimɑ͂] N m. 1. compliment (parole élogieuse): compliment. faire un compliment. Translation for 'compliments' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary. C’est délicieux. Even in a restaurant, it is common to express your satisfaction or disappointment to the waiter, and even sometimes to the chef – in a smaller restaurant, the chef will sometimes come out to talk to his customers. Download it Today At No Charge Similar to “Un beau gosse,” this is a phrase to describe a good-looking girl. le compliment noun: compliment: complimenter verb: congratulate, pat, con: féliciter verb: congratulate, felicitate: le hommage noun: tribute, homage, respect, praise, obeisance: faire des compliments verb: pay … Qu’est-ce que c’était laid (or “moche” in colloquial French), Berk (or beurk, alternate spelling and pronunciation). Am I reading that right? Even King Arthur would have thought twice before uttering anything so obscure! The COD: Belongs to the verbal group Is an essential complement, it can not be deleted because the sentence would not make sense anymore. Call it modesty or false modesty, but that's the way things roll in France! You will find many comments on food used in context in my intermediate level French audiobook À Moi Paris L4, chapters 13 and 14 “Dans Un Grand Restaurant”. If you have to remember one compliment, I would go with “c’est délicieux” (it’s delicious): simple, yet very effective. How do you compliment your hosts in French after a great dinner? Watch: Appreciate Food like a French Native. When in France, flirt like the French. C’est un délice. Food is often at the very top of French conversations. compliments More French words for compliment. Bonne journée, Géraldine. After helping, when someone says “Merci”, you can say “De rien”. Tu es très jolie. Merci pour le video! mark porter says: August 22, 2016 at 1:02 pm. Sincere: The intended compliment must be sincere and genuine. The French don't overreact when they pay compliments nor when they receive them. Translation for 'complement the food' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations. The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners. I post new articles every week, so make sure you subscribe to the French Today newsletter – or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. compliment translate: 恭维话;赞扬话;奉承话, 赞扬;致敬;致意, 夸奖;赞扬;赞赏;恭维. Can You Understand Today’s Spoken French? With full transcript + translations. The COD allows to complete a verb. “C’était délicieux. Would it of been ok or could I of caused offence? However, it’s important to be subtle! As the world gets more modern and people get busier, though, daily life has forced eating habits to change in some ways. Well, it’s not that the French don’t ever give compliments but it’s mostly among people they know. Une belle gosse. Bonjour Mahsa,Ahah, yes absolutely! Miam ! Which one will you use at your next dinner? especially for women, and also show how you pronounce them pls, thanks in advance :-) Source(s): french compliments: Yum! Generally I am still too Anglo Saxon to be comfortable saying superb every five words, so have a hard time with compliments – be it giving or receiving them It seems to me that effusive compliments is de rigeur, but paradoxically you are seen as overly polite when you answer ‘avec/mon plaisir’ after you have been thanked for a small service. Faites mes compliments au chef, c'est délicieux. compliments of the season translation in English-French dictionary. The importance of food and sharing meals in France cannot be understated. compliments translation in English-French dictionary. remercier. Reply. How would you say it without it coming across OTT? And it was delicious. hommage. Many translated example sentences containing "food complement" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. Translations in context of "compliment" in French-English from Reverso Context: comme un compliment, faire un compliment, de compliment It’s not just slang. in the past I have used this phrase: c’était délicieux, mais pas plus merci, j’ai eu beaucoup . Enroll in in my free 10-lesson course that has helped thousands like you 2x their Everyday French in 10 days! Fondre (fondue): The French word for "to melt." And there’ll probably always be bread! It’s not even Christmas or Easter with never-ending dishes. As I made my comments, I thought, thank you Geraldine! Et toi ? This is what you’ll discover in this episode of Comme une Française TV. Je me régale. . : Vanter les mérites du repas Give my compliments to the chef! Tom and I talked about this over lunch and he said it all goes back to the public vs. private sphere. My French audiobooks are exclusively available on French Today. Good luck with your studies and remember, repetition is the key! Quelq’un m’a dit que j’étais un débrouillard. Anytime something tastes really good, this is a great expression to use. Is this correct? Other translations. 13+ hours of 1100 Phrases and Dialogs recorded at 2 different speeds. How do you compliment your hosts in French after a great dinner? Suggestions. You can say “Non merci; j’ai bien mangé” or “Non merci; j’ai assez mangé”.Excellent! And he is fishing for compliments. Listen to the phrases and repeat them to practice your English speaking: Flambé(r): A method of brûléeing food by adding alcohol (usually brandy) and then lighting it on fire to burn out the alcohol. Mais ça ira merci. French Translation of “compliment” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. So today, we’ll study how to make positive and negative comments about food. 2. compliment (félicitations): compliment. Tips while giving compliments. Géraldine. → He complimented Morris on his new car. Which one will you use at your next dinner? They complimented me on my French. 1 – Positive Comments About Food In French, 2 – Negative Comments About Food In French, I post new articles every week, so make sure you subscribe to the, Mmmm, c’était absolument délicieux ! : Je ne me rappelle pas la dernière fois où j'ai demandé à un serveur de présenter mes compliments au chef. What is the best thing to take along if you are invited to dinner in a French home? The sound the French will do when something looks appetising / tastes good – you’ll hear a lot of “Mmmm” when the French are eating! faire des compliments. ich fasse das als Kompliment auf. If you enjoy learning French in context, check out my downloadable French audiobooks: my bilingual novels are recorded at different speeds and enunciation, and focus on today’s modern glided pronunciation. Yes, please send me Géraldine's FREE 10-day crash course, weekly lessons and occasional special offers, Check this post: what to bring to a French dinner. What is your favorite compliment that you have ever received? ?..then the David T dot and SlimMast have given it...but if you want a compliment like "you look handsome" here it is....Vous avez beau regarder! Great tips and very helpful when I recently joined a group of 14 French for lunch and offered more. Agrémentez. How to say compliments in French What's the French word for compliments? The French language is often considered to be one of the most romantic languages in the world and the French are literally masters when it comes to the art of seduction. Did you know these compliments before? Yes, please send me Géraldine's FREE weekly video lessons and occasional special offers from Comme une Française! Le poulet. Mais quelque fois je dis “Non merci, j’ai faim non plus”. It’s really/very good. C’est vraiment/très bon. Le poulet était super dur, l’assaisonnement complètement fade et les légumes beaucoup trop cuits. C’était trop sucré / salé / fort / poivré / épicé – piquant / lourd / brulé / glacé. Food needs to be good or French people probably won't eat it or won't come back to the restaurant, especially if it's badly presented or doesn't taste great. In the same lines of tipping out, what is an appropriate way to compliment a chef that is not monetary? The French always comment on their food and at home, a cook always expects many compliments. You’re probably full. je prends ça comme un compliment. complimentée. Try avoiding generalized compliments. Here's a list of translations. La viande est très bien cuite, et tendre. 11. Being a bit flirtatious when meeting someone is pretty normal, and culturally acceptable. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. effectif. compliment translations: 恭維話;讚揚話;奉承話, 讚揚;致敬;致意, 誇獎;讚揚;讚賞;恭維. 6) C’est délicieux ! How do you ask for more? What about purchasing a meal or dessert for them? Most of my audiobooks are recorded at several speeds to help you conquer the modern French language. The direct object complement (French: le complément d'object direct) is an element of the verbal group, not introduced by a preposition, which makes it possible to specify the object of an action performed. Now for comments you’ll make later, on the way home in your car…. Like small talk isn’t as common in general so it would be seen as strange to tell a woman you like her shoes if she’s in front of you in line at the supermarket in France. Available for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and Others. (Note the construction “comme c’est + adjective”). Giving a sincere compliment can make someone’s day (= make the person feel very good, as a very positive point in their day).Here are some spoken English phrases for giving compliments in various situations. Receiving compliments is the other half of the social convention that you need to follow in order to maintain reciprocity in the communications. To praise good food, you can use some of the following phrases: C’est délicieux - This is / it’s delicious C’est vraiment très bon - This is / it’s really good C’est très gourmet - this is very gourmet … French Compliments??? Berk, c’était absolument infect ! It’s great you figured it out at last!Thanks for sharing this story. Find more French words at! You just finished a French dinner. No true Anglo Saxon would ever dream of saying ‘I am elegantly sufficed thank-you’!!! Yes, absolutely. You can say “Non merci, je n’ai plus faim.”. A la prochaine ! J’en ai l’eau à la bouche. Note that the French comment on everything: the taste of the food and quality of the produce of course, but also the presentation, which is very important as well. I am really enjoying it/I love it. complément. en Hotel in Coleshill (Birmingham): Relaxing by the fireside in The Nook you would never imagine you were just 1 mile from Junction 4 of the M6- 3 miles from the NEC-Birmingham International Airport and just a 17-minute train ride to Birmingham City Centre from Coleshill Parkway. This is the perfect compliment for a chef or a nice way to describe a yummy meal someone is currently eating. Who was the last person you complimented in French? As it was a phrase that in could translate. It makes my mouth water. : I can't remember the last time I asked a waiter to give my compliments to the chef. compliment. How to say Compliment in French. Just saying “c’est bon” is not going to cut it if you want to follow French etiquette. On a related topic. ️ MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY SALE – 20% OFF AUDIOBOOKS ENDS JAN 25th. How do you compliment the cook, in French? French words for compliment include compliment, complimenter, féliciter, hommage and faire des compliments. Just a normal dinner with French friends, on a Friday night. Whatever the situation, this is an important word in French when celebrating a huge life event. Share your story so we can discuss in the comments area below the video. Did you know these expressions? agrémenter. Simply put, “Tu es beau” or “T’es beau” means, “You are handsome.” Saying compliments in French is an easy way to get someone’s attention! ....their french compliment says "want to lie with me in bed tonight" that the type of compliment you want. The other evening my husband asked me if it would be proper to send a glass of wine to the master of our meal, I was unsure of how to respond. Please log in again. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Pronunciation: JHAHN AY LOW AH LA BOOSH; This is another way of complimenting food. That sounds dangerously like a compliment. Join the conversation! Oui, tout à fait !“Je suis rassasié” et “Je me suis régalé” sont parfaits aussi. How do you say in French « I’m full » without making THE classic expat mistake? Que/Comme c’est beau. Several times. So, here are some useful comments to say about food, pointing out problems, or expressing your satisfaction…. Showing your appreciation for delicious cuisine is integral to French etiquette, so this is … féliciter. faire des compliments à qn pour [ou sur] qc. Click to watch « How to compliment your French host about the dinner »: Et toi ? en Nice Notification No. The login page will open in a new tab. Kathy says: January 26, 2019 at 5:18 am. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. My server laughed (nicely) and explained that this statement means “I am dead.” I am learning that sometimes direct translations from what one would say in English lead to funny mistakes in French , Hi Martha,Thanks for sharing your experience with the community!Yes, this is a funny mistake. An appropriate way to compliment a chef or a variation of that I can ’ t give. Thank you ’ ll discover in this episode of Comme une Française TV out. Tout à fait! “ Je me suis régalé ” sont parfaits aussi and repeat them to your... She looks pretty even KING Arthur would have thought twice before uttering anything so obscure it helps 26 2019. Out, what is your favorite compliment that you need to follow French etiquette, so this is best. Boosh ; this is what you ’ m full » without making the classic expat mistake receiving compliments is key... Des compliments à qn pour [ ou sur ] qc expression to use mistake have. 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